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note: Cirque Due Soleil Tent 太陽劇團的帳篷 



Believed that in the past 6 month, most people have felt one way or another about the arrival of Cirque Du Soleil in Taiwan through TV AD/News or simply through people who went to the show.

davidk 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What a wonderful experience it was when our family spent our 2nd day of year 2009 at the highly promoted Hakka Expo in Taipei County.  Hakka culture and history is truly an important part of Taiwan. As far as I can remember that one of my best friend back in elementary school is also Hakkanis?! (Note: What is the correct spelling for people from the Hakka culture?) 


:: Date & Time: 2009/01/02 (Friday), 2:00 pm 

:: Location: Taipei County Hakka Expo (2008/12/27 - 2009/2/15)

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