Believed that in the past 6 month, most people have felt one way or another about the arrival of Cirque Du Soleil in Taiwan through TV AD/News or simply through people who went to the show. |
"太陽劇團"對我本身有特別的意義! 因為太陽劇團"的起源地是在加拿大魁的北克省的聖保羅灣(Baie-Saint-Paul)小鎮,剛好是離我居住13年的蒙特婁(Montreal)不遠。 但是當我在國外時就沒有好好的把握好機會去看! 所以當我第一時間知道"太陽劇團"將在2009年1月開始52場的表演的消息,我就很早開始存買票的錢和在第一時間搶購門票! (幸好我有立即裁取行動, 因為票好像一下就賣光了)
Believe that most of people in Taiwan may have already been attracted by news of "Cirque Du Soleil" performing in Taiwan, either through the news coverage, TV commercial or word of mouth.
"Cirque Du Soleil" for me has a special meaning, because its origine is from the city of Baie-Saint-Paul (in Quebect province, Canada) which is not far from Montreal where I lived for more than 13 years. When I lived in Montreal, I did not take the opporunity to see the show. Therefore, when I first heard that Cirque Du Soleil is coming here in Taiwan to perform 52 shows starting January, 2009, I started to save money and purchase the ticket right away. (Thank God that I did take the action right away as the tickets were sold out very quickly)
(phot: photo taken in the car while driving toward the big tent!)
(Video from YouTube)