大家也許不知到有一群加拿大外國人每年這幾年都在白沙灣附近辦beach party! 一來是為了在台灣的加拿大人慶祝加拿大國慶、 二來是和在台灣的朋有分享加拿大的熱忱和文化!! 隨著每年一步一腳印的慢慢括擴活動的範圍,由簡單的三、四百人的bbq餐會到去年的三千人的海灘party,這群熱心的加拿大人已經把單純的加拿大國慶變成一個大型的健康非營利中西文化的戶外活動!
大家也許不知到有一群加拿大外國人每年這幾年都在白沙灣附近辦beach party! 一來是為了在台灣的加拿大人慶祝加拿大國慶、 二來是和在台灣的朋有分享加拿大的熱忱和文化!! 隨著每年一步一腳印的慢慢括擴活動的範圍,由簡單的三、四百人的bbq餐會到去年的三千人的海灘party,這群熱心的加拿大人已經把單純的加拿大國慶變成一個大型的健康非營利中西文化的戶外活動!
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大家好!最近發現了PIXNET的"小圈圈"新功能(也許已經開張了一段時間)就是可以建立GROUP!就由group的形式就可以和更多的blog讀著建立更進一步的互動! 我也就先以”加拿大在台聯絡網”的名稱建立了一"小圈圈"!希望可以和大家分享加拿大相關的資訊! |
For the first time, the Canadian Society organized the first annual pancake and skate event where both members, friends and the public can enjoy free pancake and as well have the chance to taste coffee from Canada's national chain - Tim Hortons.
The event was open to public and members received a special discount of only paying 250NT for skate and protection gear rental.
Approximately over 150 pancakes were served and countless cups of fresh coffee were given out with the special Canadian touch and taste. Pancake and coffee, to be surprised or not, were one of the main attraction of the event.
Most people had not skated for a long time and had taken sometimes to get a feel of what is skating like. Some of us have learned skating in a community outdoor rink where people skates and play hockey. Thanks to the collaboration with the Hockey League in Taiwan, attendees had a chance to learn how to shoot a pock against a real equipped goalie.
On August 22, 2008 (Friday), CST (www.canadiansociety.org) Canada D'eh 2008 committee organized a "thank you" volunteer party for people who have helped out during and on the day of Canada D'eh 2008 held on June 28, 2008.
Thanks to CST's invitation to the CAT (www.cat-gogo.org) core-team members who have helped to bring nearly 300 people and organize the Tug&War and Volleyball event during the day. It was a great turn out where the most of the volunteers and the event organized committee came to the dinner and thanks for O'Ginny's kindness in giving us almost the whole venue for the night for our gathering.