

On August 22, 2008 (Friday), CST ( Canada D'eh 2008 committee organized a "thank you" volunteer party for people who have helped out during and on the day of Canada D'eh 2008 held on June 28, 2008.

Thanks to CST's invitation to the CAT ( core-team members who have helped to bring nearly 300 people and organize the Tug&War and Volleyball event during the day. It was a great turn out where the most of the volunteers and the event organized committee came to the dinner and thanks for O'Ginny's kindness in giving us almost the whole venue for the night for our gathering.

During the night, photos were shown on LCD screen, and people have also taken out their camera to take photo with new friends they have met during the event preparation of Canada D'eh 2008. Once again, we would like to thank you very much for everyone who have taken part in making Canada D'eh 2008 the largest Canada Day celebration in Asia and as well the largest event organized by foreign community in Taiwan.

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    創作者 davidk 的頭像

    David Kuo (PMP, McGill)

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