Whisky(威士忌)這個英文單字從小就聽到大, 但我在2008年的最後個禮拜終於有機會好好認識它! 我的好友Jason邀請我去參加了Royal Salute在RBS銀行辦的Royal Salute 21年和Hundred Cask Selection兩款酒的品酒!
回想小時後(約在1985年時)好像爸爸的朋友和客戶都在喝Whisky! 到了大學年代去CLUB除了灌啤酒以外就是喝WHISKY+COKE! 這幾年在打開電就是被Whisky的廣告猛打! 雖然我這幾年才開始接觸"品酒", 但我卻沒選擇Whisky卻選擇了葡萄酒! Whisky和我的情感就好像是我和隔壁住的十幾年的老鄰居,知道隔壁家大概有幾人但對鄰居一點都不暸。
最好笑的是我是誤打誤撞參加到我人生中第一次的"WHISKY入門"品酒會!! 我好友邀請請我去RBS銀行參加評酒會,也沒多問是否是葡萄酒評酒會就先答應了! 心理想著剛好時間是接近過年銀行來舉辦個年底葡萄酒PARTY以不錯! 想不到當我走進了RBS,我突然下自己嚇了一跳因為(1)看到的場面不是葡萄酒的評酒會(2)好像走進了飯店一樣(3) WOOOOOW 大手筆! (到現在我還不確定是RBS還是Royal Salute買的單!)
The word "Whisky" is known to me since I was little, but did not have a chance to really get to know what it really means until the last week of year 2008. My good friend Jason kindly invited me to the whisky tasting of Royal Salute 21 years and Hundred Cask Selection at RBS bank (in Taipei, Taiwan).
As far back as I can remember when I was little about in year 1985, most of my dad's friends and customers were drinking Whisky. When I was back in university, beside drinking (and getting drunk on) cheap beer, we would probably have Whisky and Coke at club to look cool. Now, when everytimes I turn on the TV, I am just bombarded by Whisky ad. As a conclusion, the relationship between Whisky and I can be described as the one of the kind between my 10 years old neighbor to whom we say hello, but do not know each other personally.
The funniest part of my life's first whisky tasting is that I was not aware of that it was a whisky tasting. All I knew is that my friend Jason invited to a "tasting" at RBS bank, and I was very excited and confirmed my attendance. In my mind, I thought that the event might be one of those year end party type of tasting event. However, when I walked into RBS, I was CHOCKED/SUPRISE to the point of speechless, because (1 the event setup was not for a wine tasting (2) the decoration turned the bank into a 5 star hotel (3) Woooow, the event must cost a lot! (until this point, still have no clued about who picked up the tape)
經過了這次的體驗我也開始對whisky有更多的瞭解和感謝! 下次在看到廣告或去餐廳或club就會比較有概念知到自己在喝甚麼! 以下是我的學習分享:
- >> 所為的蘇格蘭威士忌是在英國蘇格蘭地區所產威士忌!
- :: 蘇格蘭的四大地區為:Speyside (在東北方)、 Highlands (西北方)、Islay(中西方的島嶼)&Lowlands(南方)[更詳細的互動介紹和查尋, 請參考: http://www.smws.com.tw/whisky_4.htm)
- :: 蘇格蘭的四大地區為:Speyside (在東北方)、 Highlands (西北方)、Islay(中西方的島嶼)&Lowlands(南方)[更詳細的互動介紹和查尋, 請參考: http://www.smws.com.tw/whisky_4.htm)
- >> 基本上釀造蘇格蘭威士忌(Scotch Whisky)的原料來源,分為兩大類:
- :: 麥芽威士忌:原料為大麥麥芽
- :: 穀類威士忌:主要原料為玉米、小麥
- >> 市面上的威士忌(Whisky)可以分成3大類:
- :: 如果威士忌是由單一的蒸餾廠和原料只用大麥就稱為 ==> 單一純麥芽威士忌(Single Malt Whisky)。 市面的品牌有: Singleton, Glenlivet, Spey, Highland Park, Mclain
- :: 如果威士忌是用麥芽和穀類一起混合釀造就稱為==> 調和威士忌(Blended Whisky)。 市面的品牌有:Balintines, Chivas, Royal Salute, Famous Goose, Suntory, Johnny Walker, Matisse, Dewar
- :: 如果威士忌是由用大麥但混合了多個蒸餾廠就稱為==> 純麥芽威士忌(Malt Whisky)。市面的品牌有:
- :: 如果威士忌是由單一的蒸餾廠和原料只用大麥就稱為 ==> 單一純麥芽威士忌(Single Malt Whisky)。 市面的品牌有: Singleton, Glenlivet, Spey, Highland Park, Mclain
好用/Useful Link
- :: Royal Salute Page: http://www.royalsalute.com/
- :: Royal Salute 母公司(保樂力)其它的whisky品牌 / Look at Royal Salute's parent company's (Pernod Ricard) other Whisky brand: http://www.pernod-ricard.com/en/pages/282/pernod/Brands/Whiskies.html
- :: 瞭 解後就可以在下次看到whisky的廣告得知到底是那家公司在花$$$來吸引你去購買和喝! Now you can know who is spending $$$ on big advertizing and want you to buy and drink!!
- :: Guide to Whisky
- http://iameason.pixnet.net/blog/post/21667892 iameason - [淺酌]教學--威士忌篇 - Whisky Introduction (Chinese/中文)
- http://www.scotchwhisky.net/ - Find most/all your Scoth here!! (English/英文)
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/peichun0914/article?mid=2803&sc=1#3031 - Photo of selected distillery (Chinese/中文)
- http://www.smws.com.tw/main.php Scotch malt whisky society 蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌協會
Photo: This is an actual photo shot of Whisky tasting event at RBS Bank. Are you as amazed as I was with the overall decoration?
photo: Look of the tasting set which includes appetizer, scent box, 2 whisky glasses and water
Photo: Michael is the official ambassador of Royal Salute Whisky in Taiwan! He was kind to share with us the basic knowledge of Whisky and as well taught us the 3 basic steps to Whisky Tasting!
photo: Vicky (right) and Michael (left) were the two main key speakers where Vicky helped with English translation. Funny thing is that Michael does speak Chinese, but he wish that he can deliver the right and accurate information in English! (Thank you guys for the arrangement).
photo: Closer look at the appetizer! Yammi! Goes really well with the Whisky and brings out the rich tast
photo: Closer look at the 2nd Whisky that we tasted called "Hundred Cask Selection".
photo: Look at my Whisky glass. A good way to tast Whisky is to add 1:1 ratio of water! Good Whisky will still bring out the rish smell after water is added.
photo: Closer look at the appetizer
photo: Photo of my good friend Jason and his girl friend Angela. (Thank you Jason for inviting me for this great tasting)
photo: Michael suggested to "salut/toast" with Scotish style where everyone put the right leg on the chair! What a great way to finish the event!