
There are many applications and games created for Facebook (a social utility used by more than 22 millions people), Geo Challenge is one of my favorite, because it contains all of the "must" elements for an application to be successful in social network.

Quick Overview



 Geo Challenge




Must "elements" of great social application

Table below lists out the common "MUST" elements that I can think of! Any missing elements that you would like to add?!

 # elements
 1  Fun No learning curve required! "KISS" (a.k.a keep it simple and stupid) is the way to go. This simple concept is often igored, because designer tends to over design in fear that end users would be disappointed with less functionalities.
 2  Social
The ability to notify your friends about your latest score and comment REAL-Time with EASE is the key for virtual social networking. Knowing the fact that your friend may "challenge" or "comment" on your action is just exciting.
 3  Learning Time spent actually helps you to increase your knowledge. (e.g. no feeling of wasting time). (note: I personally turn away from game that does not help me for the better. Afterall, spending time with actual people is much better with computer)
 4 Goal oriented
There is always a goal and next level to shoot for. (i.e. everyone wants to be measured and compared. It is basic instinct of human nature to compete and surpass)


What's your score?

Have you tried the application yet? Worry that everyone is beating your score? No worries, here is list of sites which can help you to boost up your GEO Knowledge:

(1)  (posted on May 29, 2009)



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    David Kuo (PMP, McGill)

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