

I have always thought that I know how to appreciate things, but now I have learned that the "true appreciation" is beyond just saying "thank you". 

About 1 month ago, I was invited by a friend to attend an experience sharing of a well respected leader and sales person of a world well-known direct sale organization. More than thousand people gathered to hear what a 60 years old retired grade 2 teacher have to share about her secrete to success. 

Often in life, we have always wish to meet the "special person" or "VIP", and hoping that person can suddenly change our life by bringing new opportunity and fortune. For example, we have always hope that we will have a better mentor in the company or a better client who can support us to meet our year end sales target. So now the question is where to find or what's the steps to find these VIP?

What's most stunning that I learn is that there is no secrete, but simple principle that everyone can adopt and adjust their attitude toward life. Now we simply need to do 2 things that relates to the principle of "true appreciation".

The guidelines are simply:

  1. Are you able to recognize "good things"?
  2. Are you able to recognize "good people"? 

These 2 questions have been putting me through a very long time of self-reflection. With the above questions, I came to realization that:

  1. In busy and fast life, we put ourselves in looking at the end results and have only given "thank you" to people who have HELPED us with the end goals.
  2. We have often neglected the "people" who may have a good intention, but not necessary have helped us through the end. However, after truly taking the time to reflect,  we have quickly came to realize that these "other people" have been part of your success. 
  3. VIP/Special people are NOW not hard to find only when we are able to determine what are "GOOD" for us. If one can not distinguish what is "GOOD", then that VIP/Special people would never BE ABLE to be FOUND. 

- David 

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    David Kuo (PMP, McGill)

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