

The anticipation of welcoming our second born is growing day by day! The clock is ticking as "Ethan Kuo" may just arrived any day.

My wife and I are checking through our to-do list while hoping that we would be more prepared than ever compared to our 1st born. 

While with the excitement, there is also a slightly concerned of having a prematured baby as Ethan may arrive 1 month ahead. 

Luckily, we have already begun the preparation from the mother after birth caring center to birthday cake and sticky rice. Right now the only thing that we can do is hoping that Ethan can wait a bit more to "catch up" the weight. As the doctor said that gaining over 2500-2600 gram would be a "safe" weight, and we are doing everything that we can to help the baby to grow.

We are fortunate that we have received lots support from friends from Facebook and phone call about the tips to grow the baby. I just want to say thank you for all the care ;)


- David 

    創作者 davidk 的頭像

    David Kuo (PMP, McGill)

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