
The book "”Seven + One” Habits at Work", by Dr Covey, would be one of the MUST read book for professional like busy project manager who are trying to balance priorities and urgencies in life. 

I must say that it is quite a challenge to follow through all the great concepts illustrated in the book! (e.g. dealing with "not urgent, but important" issue first instead of occupying oneself in "urgent, not important" and "not urgent, not important" things (e.g. watch TV all night long until 3 AM).

Today, I found a great PowerPoint slide that illustrates the key concepts of the book! If you enjoy the concepts by Dr. Covey, I would encourage everyone to go pick up this great book! (i.e either audio or hard copy). 

Hope that the ideas are compelling to you as it would to me!! Recently, I have been re-picking up this book since I first read 15 years ago!! Enjoy!! 


Seven Habits Stephen Covey

    創作者 davidk 的頭像

    David Kuo (PMP, McGill)

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