在飛機上的小電視無意轉到這個電視節目! 因為自從我從大學畢業時,一直想要瞭解在金融業不同角色的工作內容和挑戰,當我看到這個節目時 真的很開心。 現在可以透過影片的介紹快速瞭解FUND MANAGER, FLOOR TRADER, MARKET MAKER, FUND MANAGER SCOUT 的工作有甚麼差異。 快來看吧!!

看完後就會覺得拿錢可自己的理專真的知到在做甚麼嘛? 如果在影片的專業人士都有時在猜測自己投資的標地物會往上或下,那銀行在銷售這些found不是只扮演一個大賣場嘛?

Episode I:

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iMac.png 昨天剛好在火車站旁的3C全紅賣場買家裡需要的電腦號材,當正要離開時,被一台Apple電腦一直在輪撥"PC VS APPLE"一系列的廣告被吸引注了。一站就站那看了十分多鐘,如果還是單生的我,就馬上拿卡刷了就抱一台回家。

Yesterday just happened that I was at the computer shopping mall near by Taipei Train Station called 3C Rainbow mall, when I was about to leave the mall, I was attracted by a series of  "Apple VS PC" TV ads played in a Apple Mac computer. Without knowing, I was standing there for more than 10 minutes. Last thing I know, there was a crowd behind me. Now thinking back then, if I am still young and not married, I would probably have taken out my credit card and bring home a Apple computer. 

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sleepless.png 最近很多朋友都睡不著。 有人是因為壓力大而很難入睡、也有朋友是長期失眠。但大多數的人(對就是你們一天掛在MSN、PLURK、FACEBOOK的好友)是常態的夜貓子。

Recently, lots of my friends are sleepless at night. Some can not fall in sleep because of pressure from work and life. Some, unfortunately suffers from long term insomnia. Funny thing is that most of my friends are just simply night owl who enjoy the tranquility of the night. (YESS... I mean YOU guys who are still hanging on MSN, PLURK/TWITTER, Facebook!)

前幾年的我,不到凌晨三點不入睡。 現在想起來真的會覺得是超人一樣! 真是很勇像,鐵打的。 現在年紀也真的也不小了。如果不早一點睡,就會覺得體力沒有充滿電。

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tired.png After finishing organizing Canada D'eh 2009 (www.canadiansociety.org) and as well catching up with work after a month, feeling to take a break from everything else. 

今天是在淡水7/25日舉辦的Canada D'eh海灘派對和不停的追上公司的工作的一個月後, 感覺要擺脫一切。


Yesterday, I was so fortunated to participate in my best buddy Jonhson's marriage proposal to his girl friend. The feeling was great!! At the same time, I feel that through out the past months when I was busy running around organizing these events while balance with work, my wife and family had been supporting me. It is time to take the family out for a quick trip. 

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question.jpg Have you ever wish to leverage the power of Facebook to promote your own website? Below is list of way that shows you how you can integrate Facebook and your website.

有想過如果介用強大的facebook來增加網站上的流量嘛?  以下列出一些可以結合facebook和網站的方法:



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大家也許不知到有一群加拿大外國人每年這幾年都在白沙灣附近辦beach party! 一來是為了在台灣的加拿大人慶祝加拿大國慶、 二來是和在台灣的朋有分享加拿大的熱忱和文化!! 隨著每年一步一腳印的慢慢括擴活動的範圍,由簡單的三、四百人的bbq餐會到去年的三千人的海灘party,這群熱心的加拿大人已經把單純的加拿大國慶變成一個大型的健康非營利中西文化的戶外活動!




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剛在逛YOUTUBE網站時 看到這隻超厲害的小飛狗! 一邊看著就一邊懷念著我年輕時養的HUGO 也是隻BEAGLE! 他雖然不會像影片中的同伴像SPIDER MAN一樣爬上爬下 但他也很厲害!! 在他三歲時 就被國家征收為第一批的緝毒犬還到夏威受訓!!! 現在因該是老油條了!!!!

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There are many applications and games created for Facebook (a social utility used by more than 22 millions people), Geo Challenge is one of my favorite, because it contains all of the "must" elements for an application to be successful in social network.

Quick Overview



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Another great movie by the movie star king Tom Hanks and the cast! If you enjoyed the first movie, you will definitely like this one because it has more intensity and suspense built in to the story which takes the audience on the road of solving the mystery.


The movie takes place at Vadican, Italy where I was fortunate to visit when I was little with my family. The breath taking architecture still lives in my head vividly.


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